Whether you like to snap and shoot or your bowfishing style is as simple as holding back and letting the fish come to you, the Shore Runner is a sure thing. The constant draw cam provides easy tuning no matter your draw length out to 29 inches. This 31.5-inch axle-to-axle bow features a 50-pound draw weight range and doesn’t need a bow press for adjustments, simply start stik’n.
Ready to Fish
Kit Includes: Brush Fire Arrow Rest, Spin Doctor Bowfishing Reel, Red Reel Seat, Blister Buster Finger Pads, 1 Red Fiberglass Piranha Arrow
Quick Shots
Constant draw cam included
Up for the Challenge
Deep cam grooves prevent derailed strings
Compact Design
31.5 inches axle-to-axle
Maxmium Performance
50 lbs. peak draw weight
Constant Draw%
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